Scalp Micro pigmentation (SMP) is a cosmetic procedure that uses micro needles to deposit pigment into the scalp to create the appearance of fuller, thicker hair.

Here’s how SMP works:

Consultation The initial step in the SMP process involves a thorough consultation with a trained SMP practitioner. During this session, your practitioner evaluates your hair loss pattern and scalp condition while discussing your expectations and desired outcomes.

Design Following the consultation, your SMP practitioner customizes a hairline design that suits your individual features and aesthetic preferences. This design is carefully reviewed and approved by you before proceeding with the procedure.

Preparation Before the SMP procedure begins, the scalp is meticulously cleaned and numbed to minimize discomfort throughout the process. This preparatory step ensures a smooth and comfortable experience for the client.

Procedure SMP typically consists of 3-4 sessions to achieve optimal results. During each session, the practitioner uses a specialized device equipped with microneedles to deposit pigment into the scalp. The pigment is chosen to match your natural hair color and skin tone, gradually adding density to create the desired appearance.

Healing and Aftercare After the SMP procedure, your practitioner provides detailed instructions for proper aftercare. This includes avoiding direct sunlight, swimming, and excessive sweating, as well as refraining from scratching or rubbing the treated area. Initially, the pigment may appear darker, but it gradually fades as the skin heals over the next few days.

Maintenance As time passes, the SMP pigment may fade slightly, necessitating touch-up sessions to maintain the desired look. These maintenance appointments ensure that your SMP results remain fresh and vibrant over the long term.

Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) offers a minimally invasive solution for achieving the appearance of fuller, thicker hair. By undergoing this cosmetic procedure with a skilled and experienced practitioner, you can enjoy natural-looking results tailored to your specific needs and preferences.