Scalp Micropigmentation

What is SMP?

Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP for short) is sometimes also referred to as a hair tattoo or ‘hair pigmentation’.

It is a form of cosmetic tattooing typically for people who are balding, thinning or have apparent spots on their head lacking hair, that gives the realistic appearance of hair follicles.

SMP is suitable for both men and women and can greatly improve the appearance of hair loss. SMP is different than traditional tattooing as the needle does not penetrate the skin as deeply, and it uses vegan, organic carbon-based pigment that won’t turn blue like a traditional tattoo might.

SMP for Men

Scalp Micropigmentation is the ground-breaking solution to the problem of thinning hair and baldness for men. Whether it’s a receding hairline, diffuse weakening of hair on the crown, alopecia areata or total baldness, there is an SMP procedure and hairline choice to create your desired outcome.

Scalp Micropigmentation works for any man experiencing hair loss, regardless of age or ethnicity, and is especially suited to men who keep their hair close cut or shaved but yearn for the aesthetics of a hairline and added hair density. A non-invasive process, SMP is able to restore receded hairlines, fill in thinning hair, disguise the bald crown area, and even camouflage former hair transplant scars.

SMP for Women

Mistakenly thought to be a strictly male disease, women make up a significant percentage of hair loss sufferers. Hair loss in women can be absolutely devastating for self-image and emotional well-being. Unfortunately, society has forced women to suffer in silence. It is considered far more acceptable for men to go through the same hair loss process.

Scalp Micropigmentation offers immediate results for our female clients and will instantly create the illusion of thicker hair, by camouflaging the affected areas of the scalp or bare patches. We are dedicated to supporting females to be their most confident selves.

SMP for Scarring

One of the most common applications of scalp micropigmentation techniques is the concealment of scars.

Scalp scarring is a sensitive subject – no matter your social surrounding or community. Scarring, particularly when it’s located on the scalp, is extremely visual and also exceedingly difficult to disguise in an everyday world.

Scalp Micropigmentation will work in the zones where hair loss has occurred using natural pigments at the dermal level, including the sites where scarring is most prominent. Effective on even the most aggressive scarring or burning, SMP is a permanent solution to conceal the area.

It’s important to note that for a more effective treatment scarring must be, at a minimum, at least six months old and that each process is detailed and bespoke to the client.


We invite you to take the first step towards restoring your hair loss by booking a complimentary consultation with our team of experts today.